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Our Farm's Story

Hello, we're the Morrisons and we run Earnest Roots Farm. We started getting serious about this way of life in 2017, when our first baby was born. We had tons of questions like "Where does our food come from? Who produces our food? How is our food produced? Why are chemicals used to make it grow? What impact does it have on our health? What impact does it have on our environment? How are the animals raised? What are the animals fed? What are GMO’s? What does all those food labels even mean?" These are questions that most of the population cannot answer.

We have decided to be part of a movement that connects the farmer back to the consumer. “Know your Farmer, Know your Food” - this simple phrase has never been more achievable. Earnest Roots Farm would like to be your farmer and invite you to join us on this journey and bring light to some of these questions and many more.

We named our farm after Kiley's Pawpaw, Ernest, who was a dairy and cattle farmer for years.

We strive to produce the healthiest, most nutrient dense and flavorful food we can with quality in mind – not quantity. The meats we offer are free of any pharmaceuticals or unnatural additives, all while being environmentally conscious and positively affecting the ecosystem around us. Using sustainable and regenerative agriculture practices, along with holistic animal management, we work with nature by managing the animals to improve the land. Instead of using synthetic, petroleum based, chemical fertilizers we use compost and animal manure with a focus on building soil structure as well as fertility.

This is done with movement - animals were not created to be raised on concrete floors in confined houses or feed lots of dirt. God created every plant and animal with their own unique characteristic and they thrive in a bio diverse environment. Our animals are raised using portable housing and electric netting. This allows us to consistently move them to fresh grass and pasture. All of this working together completely changes the quality of the product; thus, the eating experience is completely different than that of its counterpart.

We sincerely thank you for your support. Every time you choose to shop local, you encourage that farmer to do what they do and you provide them with the assets they need continue to grow and provide more and more varieties of products.