RFID tags: What can be measured can be managed and CONTROLLED.
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March 13, 2024

A bill has recently passed to provide 15 million dollars of funding to the USDA. These funds will be used to mandate electronic identification tags (EID, RFID) in cattle. These tags will be mandated for all cattle crossing state lines, which will apply to any cow/calf operator who sells at the stock yard. Once the government gets a foot in a door they take a mile. The end goal has always been to mandate tags in all livestock.
They have promoted the use of these tags for the purpose of tracking down any disease outbreaks or contaminations. Now, I can see some reasoning behind that. But, I also know the fear tactics used by the powers to be to coerce people into freely giving up their rights and essential liberties. The issue lies with the alternative agenda behind it and what this tag mandate can be a tool used for. Back to the title - What can be measured can be managed and CONTROLLED. Now stay with me here.
It’s very obvious from the statements and policies supported by the global environmentalists that there is another agenda. They claim that farting cows are melting ice caps and killing polar bears. They stated in the 90’s coastal cities would be under water in the coming decades. Well that didn’t happen, so they’ve now pushed the date out much farther, like 2040/2050.
The following is a statement from John Kerry’s speech at the USDA agriculture summit: "A lot of people have no clue that agriculture contributes about 33% of all the emissions of the world, we can't get to net-zero, we don't get this job done unless agriculture is front and center as part of the solution. So all of us understand here the depths of this mission."
This is from the EPA website, “Researchers have found that 37% of methane emissions from human activity are the direct result of our livestock and agricultural practices.”
Bill Gates “Six percent of global emissions are from cows, who burp and fart methane, and we have two paths to solving that, you can either fix the cows to stop them doing that or you can make beef without the cows.”
How bad are cows really? Would you rather be locked in a garage with a cow or a running car?
From Whitehouse.gov, “President Biden has set an ambitious U.S. goal of achieving a carbon pollution-free power sector by 2035 and net zero emissions economy by no later than 2050.”
The emission percentage number is always different, but the statements are always similar in regards to agriculture production. How do you get to net zero emissions when food production causes 1/3 of the emissions? There has to be a significant reduction in agriculture production to achieve this very unrealistic goal of net zero. They believe it starts with the reduction of meat production and consumption. They want us all to eat the bugs and pharma-meats grown in labs.
“This is why I think people are increasingly aware plant-based products are going to completely replace the animal-based products in the food world within the next 15 years,” Patrick Brown – CEO of Impossible Burger
“I do think all rich countries should move to 100% synthetic beef. You can get used to the taste difference, and the claim is they’re going to make it taste even better over time. Eventually, that green premium is modest enough that you can sort of change the [behavior of] people or use regulation to totally shift the demand.” – Bill Gates
Gates states, use regulation to totally shift the demand. Now, let’s get into the next part…
How will these global environmentalists reduce emissions from livestock production? There must be a reduction in the total number of livestock being produced on a farm. Farmers are naturally independent and don’t like to be told what to do. They won’t be too happy about this. It will be a loss of income in an already capital intensive operation. It will likely put them under and many won’t comply. Hence the regulations and policies that have resulted in many independently owned and operate farms and ranches going out of business. They want less of us to deal with. Being bought out and consolidated into larger corporations who go along with this agenda is a lot easier - less opinions to deal with.
Have you been following the European farmer protests going on now? Which haven’t received much coverage here and isn’t just about taxes and higher cost. To REGULATE this emissions reduction, the government must first know where all the animals are, how many and who has them.
Back in the 90’s the Dutch implemented ID tags (EID,RFID) for all animals in their country. This is what’s about to be a mandate in our country.
From the Dutch website. “You are not allowed to keep, buy, sell, transport, or move animals without registration.”
The EU has announced a plan to significantly cut greenhouse gas emissions 30-70% by 2030 in the agriculture sector. In some locations up to 95%. They have put limits on the livestock one can own as much as a 40% decrease to 100% in some areas. The Dutch have implemented complete farm buyouts in some regions or forced removal. This is generational owned farmland and they expect them to move and take up a new trade. If the farmers don’t comply to the reduction well the government has ID tags of all the animals and who has them. What do you thinks going to happen? CONFISCATION.
This just might be an over thinking of the dots connected. But if history has anything to teach us, whenever government implements traceability of anything it never ends well for its people. It’s a tool used to force its agenda upon them.
If you’re an independently owned and operated farm or ranch whose intentions remain as such in the coming decades and one who desire to pass that on to your kids or grandkids and they have the right and ability to continue a legacy, you might want to look more into this. It doesn’t matter if you’re a conventional farmer or an organic/regenerative farmer. They view us all as the problem and an obstacle in the way of the green agenda. The real motivator behind this isn’t improving the environment – it’s control and money. Look who all is investing in alternatives meats while also telling us cows are bad for the environment.
Here is the link to the bill:
Copied from the bill.
"There are a few aspects of this proposed rule that differ from the July 2020 notice, however. In this proposed rule, as opposed to the July 2020 notice and the existing regulations in part 86, we refer to electronic identification (EID) tags rather than to RFID tags. Currently, the only official electronically readable identification tags are RFID tags; however, at some future time there may be other electronically readable technology. APHIS' goal is to rapidly and accurately collect the tag numbers and be able to adapt to technological developments, not to codify RFID technology as the only technology option for traceability."
The issue with what's in bold. They have the ability to adapt these tags to new technologies. What are those new technologies in development and capabilities? Some of them are GPS tracking, satellite tracking, health and record keeping of vaccinations and how many animals you have. While these things would be beneficial for the individual farmer or rancher to have access to for better management practices. The government has no business knowing where our livestock are, how many we have or if they've been vaccinated or not.
Check these videos out for other opinions on the matter: